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Lloyd, James

Carrollton Viaduct
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Bridges Era: 1800-1829 DateCreated: 1829 Gwynns Falls Baltimore State: MD Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Wever, Caspar , Lloyd, James

The Carrollton Viaduct over Gwynn's Falls was the first masonry railroad viaduct constructed in the United States. This structure proved the feasibility of using a viaduct to transport railway vehicles across wide and deep valleys.

Image Credit: Public Domain (National Park Service) Image Caption: Carrollton Viaduct Era_date_from: 1829
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Carrollton Viaduct

The Carrollton Viaduct over Gwynn's Falls was the first masonry railroad viaduct constructed in the United States. This structure proved the feasibility of using a viaduct to transport railway vehicles across wide and deep valleys.

The concept for the viaduct came from international…

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