Charles David Keeling of Scripps Institution of Oceanography was the leading authority in establishing the global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) record. In 1958, Keeling began measuring atmospheric CO2 concentrations from Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory. Using rigorous analytical procedures, he revealed new information about natural and man-caused carbon trends.

Aircraft engines, considered unreliable during the first 20 years of aviation due to their need for liquid-cooling, heavy weight and other inconsistencies, were given a revolutionary boost with the development of Pratt & Whitney’s R-1340 Wasp Radial Engine in 1925.

The oldest surviving rotary snowplow in the world

The oldest and most comprehensive collection of photographic and cinematic technology
In 1888, George Eastman created the Kodak camera, the first camera designed to use roll film. The camera's simplicity and user friendly mechanism revolutionized amateur snapshot photography and in 1892, he founded the Eastman Kodak Company, in Rochester, New York.

The first funicular to employ a single, two-rail track along its entire length, with a short passing track.
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The first funicular to employ a single, two-rail track along its entire length, with a short passing track.
During the period of prosperity throughout Europe known as the Belle Epoque, railway systems saw…
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Aircraft engines, considered unreliable during the first 20 years of aviation due to their need for…
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Charles David Keeling of Scripps Institution of Oceanography was the leading authority in establishing the global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) record. In 1958, Keeling began measuring atmospheric CO2 concentrations from Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory. Using rigorous analytical procedures,…
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