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Ljungstrom Air Preheater
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing, Mechanical Power Production - Steam Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1920 Tekniska Museet Stockholm State: Zip: Country: Sweden Website:, Creator: Ljungstrom, Fredrik

The Ljungstrom air preheater is a regenerative heat exchanger, invented in the 1920s and soon used throughout the world. Dr. Fredrik Ljungstrom, then technical director at Aktiebolaget Ljunstrom Angturbin, invented it for preheating combustion air in boiler plants, but the use has expanded to include energy recovery in combination with the removal of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

Image Credit: Public Domain Image Caption: Ljungstrom Air Preheater Era_date_from: 1920
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Ljungstrom Air Preheater

The Ljungstrom air preheater is a regenerative heat exchanger, invented in the 1920s and soon used throughout the world. Dr. Fredrik Ljungstrom, then technical director at Aktiebolaget Ljunstrom Angturbin, invented it for preheating combustion air in boiler plants, but the use has expanded to…

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