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Fritz Engineering Laboratory
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Civil Engineering Profession Era: 1910-1919 DateCreated: 1910 Lehigh University Bookstore Bethlehem State: PA Zip: 18015 Country: USA Website: Creator: Fritz, John

In 1907, John Fritz, known as the "Father of the Steel Industry in the United States," rejoined the Lehigh University Board of Trustees after an absence of a decade. He began the development of what would prove to be his greatest gift to Lehigh: a modern engineering laboratory and funding for its construction.

Image Credit: Courtesy Lehigh University Digital Library Image Caption: Fritz Engineering Laboratory Era_date_from: 1910
Chandler Chemistry Laboratory
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: Cradles of Chemistry Era: 1860-1869 DateCreated: 1865 Chandler-Ullmann Hall Bethlehem State: PA Zip: 18015 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Chandler, William Henry , Hutton, Addison

The William H. Chandler Chemistry Laboratory was conceived and planned by William Henry Chandler (1841-1906), professor, chairman, librarian, and acting president of Lehigh University. Designed by Philadelphia architect Addison Hutton and erected between 1884 and 1885 at a cost of $200,000, the building set the standard for laboratory construction for the next half century.

Image Credit: Public Domain; Produced prior to 1/1/1923 Image Caption: Chandler Chemistry Laboratory Era_date_from: 1865
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Chandler Chemistry Laboratory

The William H. Chandler Chemistry Laboratory was conceived and planned by William Henry Chandler (1841-1906), professor, chairman, librarian, and acting president of Lehigh University. Designed by Philadelphia architect Addison Hutton and erected between 1884 and 1885 at a cost of $200,000, the…

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Fritz Engineering Laboratory

In 1907, John Fritz, known as the "Father of the Steel Industry in the United States," rejoined the Lehigh University Board of Trustees after an absence of a decade. He began the development of what would prove to be his greatest gift to Lehigh: a modern engineering laboratory and funding for…

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