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Mr. Charlie Oil Drilling Rig
Society: ASME Main Category: Sub Category: Era: 1950-1959 DateCreated: 1953 The Rig Museum Morgan City State: LA Zip: 70380 Country: USA Website:, Creator: Laborde, Alden, Murphy, Charles

Designed by Alden “Doc” Laborde, Mr. Charlie is the first offshore drilling rig that was fully transportable, submersible and self-sufficient, allowing it to drill more than 200 oil and gas wells along the Gulf Coast between 1954 and 1986.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: Mr. Charlie Oil Drilling Rig Era_date_from: 1953
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Mr. Charlie Oil Drilling Rig

Designed by Alden “Doc” Laborde, Mr. Charlie is the first offshore drilling rig that was fully transportable, submersible and self-sufficient, allowing it to drill more than 200 oil and gas wells along the Gulf Coast between 1954 and 1986.

Laborde, a young U.S. Navy engineer, had the…

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