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Discovery of Organic Free Radicals by Moses Gomberg
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: Frontiers of Knowledge Era: 1900-1909 DateCreated: 1900 University Of Michigan Ann Arbor State: MI Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Gomberg, Moses

In 1900, Moses Gomberg, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan, confirmed the existence of a stable, trivalent organic free radical: triphenylmethyl. In so doing, he challenged the then prevailing belief that carbon could have only four chemical bonds. Gomberg’s discovery made a major contribution to theoretical organic chemistry and fostered a field of research that continues to grow and expand. Today, organic free radicals are widely used in plastics and rubber manufacture, as well as medicine, agriculture and biochemistry.

Image Credit: Public Domain (Copyright Exp.) Image Caption: Discovery of Organic Free Radicals by Moses Gomberg Era_date_from: 1900
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Discovery of Organic Free Radicals by Moses Gomberg

In 1900, Moses Gomberg, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan, confirmed the existence of a stable, trivalent organic free radical: triphenylmethyl. In so doing, he challenged the then prevailing belief that carbon could have only four chemical bonds. Gomberg’s discovery made a…

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