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Cleveland Hopkins Airport
Society: ASCE Main Category: Aerospace & Aviation Sub Category: Aviation Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1925 Hopkins International Airport Cleveland State: OH Zip: 44135 Country: USA Website: Creator: Hopkins, William , Berry, Jack

Constructed on 1,040 acres just 10 miles southwest of the city center, the Cleveland Hopkins Airport was the first major airport in the world to provide an integrated system of paved landing surfaces, lighted runways, and a terminal complex consisting of hangars and operating facilities. Overseen by city manager William Hopkins and Major "Jack" Berry - an engineer on loan from the U.S. postal service who eventually became the city's first Airport Commissioner - the project at first was called "Major Berry's Folly" by local residents because of its outlying location.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Ken Lund (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Cleveland Hopkins Airport Era_date_from: 1925
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Cleveland Hopkins Airport

Constructed on 1,040 acres just 10 miles southwest of the city center, the Cleveland Hopkins Airport was the first major airport in the world to provide an integrated system of paved landing surfaces, lighted runways, and a terminal complex consisting of hangars and operating facilities.…

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