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Sydney Harbour Bridge
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Bridges Era: 1930-1939 DateCreated: 1932 Port Jackson Milsons Point State: NSW Zip: 206 Country: Australia Website: Creator: Bradfield, John , Freeman, Ralph

The design of the Sydney Harbour Bridge closely resembles the Hell Gate Bridge over the East River in New York City, conceived in 1916 by noted engineer Gustav Lindenthal and his chief assistant, O.H. Ammann.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Kevin Gibbons (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Sydney Harbour Bridge Era_date_from: 1932
Charles River Basin Project
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Water Supply & Control Era: 1910-1919 DateCreated: 1910 Boston State: MA Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Freeman, John

The Charles River Basin was one of the pioneering environmental engineering projects in America. The project transformed 675 acres of unhealthy and unsightly salt marshes and tidal flats were into an environmental centerpiece for the Boston area by 1910. This was one of the first public projects to radically improve the environment and has served as a model for similar projects around the nation. 

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Daderot (CC BY-SA 3.0) Image Caption: Charles River Basin Project Era_date_from: 1910
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Environmental Control Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1920 Hudson River Greenway; Manhattan New York State: NY Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Freeman, Milton
The first long underwater tunnel in the world designed for motor vehicle use was built from 1920 to 1927. The 29.5-foot-diameter, 8,500-foot-long twin tubes of this tunnel were shield-driven by the pneumatic method through extremely difficult river-bottom conditions that were overcome by the ingenuity and determination of its engineers, Clifford M. Holland, Milton H. Freeman, and Ole Singstad. They were the largest in the United States when built.
Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Bill Benzon (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Holland Tunnel Ventilation System Era_date_from: 1920
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The first long underwater tunnel in the world designed for motor vehicle use was built from 1920 to 1927. The 29.5-foot-diameter, 8,500-foot-long twin tubes of this tunnel were shield-driven by the pneumatic method through extremely difficult river-bottom conditions that were overcome by the… Read More
Charles River Basin Project

The Charles River Basin was one of the pioneering environmental engineering projects in America. The project transformed 675 acres of unhealthy and unsightly salt marshes and tidal flats were into an environmental centerpiece for the Boston area by 1910. This was one of the first public projects…

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Sydney Harbour Bridge

The design of the Sydney Harbour Bridge closely resembles the Hell Gate Bridge over the East River in New York City, conceived in 1916 by noted engineer Gustav Lindenthal and his chief assistant, O.H. Ammann.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge, with a span of 1,650 feet, is not only the longest…

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