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Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Society: IEEE Main Category: Consumer Electronics Sub Category: Computers and Information Processing Era: 1930-1939 DateCreated: 1939 Ames State: IA Zip: Country: USA Website:,_1939 Creator: Atanasoff, Vincent John, Berry, Clifford E.

John Vincent Atanasoff conceived basic design principles for the first electronic-digital computer in the winter of 1937 and, assisted by his graduate student, Clifford E. Berry, constructed a prototype here in October 1939. It used binary numbers, direct logic for calculation, and a regenerative memory. It embodied concepts that would be central to the future development of computers.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Joe Wolf (CC BY-ND 2.0) Image Caption: Atanasoff-Berry Computer Era_date_from: 1939
Society: IEEE Main Category: Electrical Sub Category: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Era: 1960-1969 DateCreated: 1968 European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneva State: Meyrin Zip: 1217 Country: Switzerland Website:,_1968 Creator: Charpak, Georges

The 1992 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Georges Charpak, France, for his invention and development of detectors in high energy physics. Since 1959 Charpak had worked at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics situated in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland. Charpak invented the multi - wire proportional chamber at CERN. The pioneering work was published in 1968. Largely due to his work particle physicists have been able to focus their interest on very rare particle interactions, which often reveal the secrets of the inner parts of matter.

Image Credit: Image Caption: CERN Experimental Instrumentation Era_date_from: 1968
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The 1992 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Georges Charpak, France, for his invention and development of detectors in high energy physics. Since 1959 Charpak had worked at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics situated in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland. Charpak invented the…

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Atanasoff-Berry Computer

John Vincent Atanasoff conceived basic design principles for the first electronic-digital computer in the winter of 1937 and, assisted by his graduate student, Clifford E. Berry, constructed a prototype here in October 1939. It used binary numbers, direct logic for calculation, and a…

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