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Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Food Processing Era: 1910-1919 DateCreated: 1911 Dole Packaged Foods Company Honolulu State: HI Zip: 96817 Country: USA Website: Creator: Ginaca, Henry Gabriel
Commercial pineapple production began in Hawaii about 1890. Fruit was hand-peeled and sliced to match can sizes for export. In 1911 James D. Dole hired Henry G. Ginaca to design a machine to automate the process. As fruit dropped through the Ginaca machine, a cylinder was cut to proper diameter, trimmed top and bottom, and cored. This machine more than tripled production, making pineapple Hawaii's second largest crop.
Image Credit: Public Domain (United States Patent) Image Caption: Ginaca Pineapple Processing Machine Era_date_from: 1911
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Commercial pineapple production began in Hawaii about 1890. Fruit was hand-peeled and sliced to match can sizes for export. In 1911 James D. Dole hired Henry G. Ginaca to design a machine to automate the process. As fruit dropped through the Ginaca machine, a cylinder was cut to proper diameter,… Read More

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