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Pegasus 3 Engine BS 916
Society: ASME Main Category: Aerospace & Aviation Sub Category: Aerospace Era: 1960-1969 DateCreated: 1993 Rolls Royce PLC
Bristol State: BC Zip: BS34 7QE Country: UK Website:, Creator: Bristol Aero-Engines Ltd. (now part of Rolls-Royce), Hooker, Stanley

The Pegasus 3 is the earliest surviving example of the prototype engine for vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) jets, namely the Royal Air Force's Harriers and US Marine Corps' AV-8Bs. Owned by the Rolls- Royce Heritage Trust (a company-sponsored history and preservation society), the artifact is an early developmental model of the Pegasus 3 engine, the first to fly with sufficient thrust to prove the vectored-thrust concept for V/STOL jet aircraft, in 1960.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: The earliest surviving example of the prototype engine for vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) jets, namely Harriers and AV-8Bs. Era_date_from: 1993
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Pegasus 3 Engine BS 916

The Pegasus 3 is the earliest surviving example of the prototype engine for vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) jets, namely the Royal Air Force's Harriers and US Marine Corps' AV-8Bs. Owned by the Rolls- Royce Heritage Trust (a company-sponsored history and preservation society), the…

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