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Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Environmental Control Era: 1940-1949 DateCreated: 1948 Commonwealth Building Portland State: OR Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Graham, Charles , Belluschi, Pietro

The use of heat pumps for the heating and cooling of the Commonwealth Building, initiated in 1948, was a pioneering achievement in the western hemisphere. The theoretical conception of the heat pump was described in a neglected book, published in 1824 and written by a young French army officer, Sadi Carnot. Its practical application on a large scale is attributable to designers J. Donald Kroeker and Ray C. Chewning, building engineer Charles E. Graham, and architect Pietro Belluschi.

Image Credit: 1940s postcard featuring the new Commonwealth (Equitable) Building in Portland, OR. Image Caption: Commonwealth Building Heat Pump Era_date_from: 1948
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The use of heat pumps for the heating and cooling of the Commonwealth Building, initiated in 1948, was a pioneering achievement in the western hemisphere. The theoretical conception of the heat pump was described in a neglected book, published in 1824 and written by a young French army officer,…

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