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Noria al-Muhammadiyya
Society: ASME Main Category: Sub Category: Era: 1000-1600 DateCreated: 1361 Orontes River Hamah State: Zip: Country: Syria Website:, Creator: Mamluks, Most likely

The Noria al-Muhammadiyya is the most famous of many norias in Hama. This giant operating noria is unique in both size and age.  Built in 763 AH, or 1361 CE, and still in use today, it is a stand-alone water pump. The river that provides the water it raises also serves as its sole source of energy.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Neil and Kathy Cary (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: Noria al-Muhammadiyya Era_date_from: 1361
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Noria al-Muhammadiyya

The Noria al-Muhammadiyya is the most famous of many norias in Hama. This giant operating noria is unique in both size and age.  Built in 763 AH, or 1361 CE, and still in use today, it is a stand-alone water pump. The river that provides the water it raises also serves as its sole source of…

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