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Goodyear Airdock
Society: ASCE Main Category: Aerospace & Aviation Sub Category: Aviation Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1929 Fulton International Airport (AKC) Akron State: OH Zip: 44306 Country: USA Website: Creator: Arnstein, Karl , Wilbur Watson Engineering Company

Wind dynamics were a major consideration in building such a huge structure. When winds blow against the building, they are deflected up over the roof, creating a partial vacuum that can draw the roof up with a force several times greater than the direct force of the wind. Wind tunnel testing on a model helped designers decide that a semi-parabolic shape would best resolve air current concerns.

Image Credit: Public Domain (National Park Service) Image Caption: Goodyear Airdock Era_date_from: 1929
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Goodyear Airdock

Wind dynamics were a major consideration in building such a huge structure. When winds blow against the building, they are deflected up over the roof, creating a partial vacuum that can draw the roof up with a force several times greater than the direct force of the wind. Wind tunnel testing on…

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