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Wilcox, John

Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: IC Era: 1890-1899 DateCreated: 1890-1929 179 Road Coolspring State: PA Zip: 15730 Country: USA Website: Creator: Wilcox, John , Harvey, Paul

Early internal combustion engines produced only a few horsepower and were unable to replace steam engines in most applications until about 1890. By then, they were powerful enough for most portable or remote locations and many small manufactures. By 1900, they were replacing reciprocating steam engines for electric generation, and by 1915, they were being considered for all but the largest installations where steam turbines have dominated to date.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/sirbeagle (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Coolspring Power Museum Era_date_from: 1890
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Early internal combustion engines produced only a few horsepower and were unable to replace steam engines in most applications until about 1890. By then, they were powerful enough for most portable or remote locations and many small manufactures. By 1900, they were replacing reciprocating steam…

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