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McCullough, Conde

Rogue River Bridge
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Bridges Era: 1930-1939 DateCreated: 1931 Rogue River Gold Beach State: OR Zip: 97444 Country: USA Website: Creator: McCullough, Conde

The Rogue River Bridge was the most advanced concrete bridge in America when it was built. Distinguished bridge engineer Conde McCullough employed the techniques of Frenchman Eugene Freyssinet to create thin, graceful concrete arches for this seven-span structure.

Pre-compression of the concrete arch was achieved and, as a result of its success, pre-stressing became one of the hallmarks of American bridge building techniques.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Bruce Fingerhood (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Rogue River Bridge Era_date_from: 1931
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Rogue River Bridge

The Rogue River Bridge was the most advanced concrete bridge in America when it was built. Distinguished bridge engineer Conde McCullough employed the techniques of Frenchman Eugene Freyssinet to create thin, graceful concrete arches for this seven-span structure.

Pre-compression of the…

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