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Lely, Cornelis

Zuiderzee Enclosure Dam
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Dams Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1927-1932 Zuiderzee Zaandam State: North Holland Zip: Country: Netherlands Website: Creator: Lely, Cornelis

The first Zuiderzee Enclosure Dam ran from North Holland to the island of Wieringen, successfully barring the sea for over 50 years and protecting a large area north of Amsterdam. The total Zuiderzee project was the largest land reclamation effort in the Netherlands, developed over a period of about 80 years, beginning in 1918 and reaching completion in 1996. The huge dyke/dam was considered one of the greatest engineering feats of its time.

Image Credit: Public Domain (Copyright Exp.) Image Caption: Zuiderzee Enclosure Dam Era_date_from: 1927
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Zuiderzee Enclosure Dam

The first Zuiderzee Enclosure Dam ran from North Holland to the island of Wieringen, successfully barring the sea for over 50 years and protecting a large area north of Amsterdam. The total Zuiderzee project was the largest land reclamation effort in the Netherlands, developed over a period of…

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