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Colt, Samuel

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In 1851 Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, arranged for a Great Exhibition in London to show off the technical accomplishments of the British Empire. Millions of visitors thronged the fantastic Crystal Palace erected in Hyde Park to house the event. In the American section crowds craned their necks to watch a loud, charismatic man expound on a revolutionary new product, a pistol that could fire not once, not twice, but fully six times in rapid succession without reloading.

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Subscribe to Colt, Samuel
Fall 2004 | Volume 20, Issue 2
  In 1851 Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, arranged for a Great Exhibition in London to show off the technical accomplishments of the British Empire. Millions of visitors thronged the fantastic Crystal Palace erected in Hyde Park to house the event. In the American section crowds craned…

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