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Borden, Simeon

Borden Base Line
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Boundaries & Surveys Era: 1830-1839 DateCreated: 1831 South Deerfield State: MA Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Paine, Robert Treat , Borden, Simeon

The Borden Base Line is a 39,009.73 feet (7.42 miles ) survey line through the State of Massachusetts. The line was the first project of its kind undertaken in America and its establishment was the key element for Massachusetts pioneering mandate to survey the entire state. 

The challenge was to use trigonometrical principles, instead of astronomical observation alone, to provide greater accuracy in surveying large areas.

Image Credit: Public Domain (Copyright Exp.) Image Caption: An 1871 map of Massachusetts highlighting the Borden Base Line Era_date_from: 1831
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Borden Base Line

The Borden Base Line is a 39,009.73 feet (7.42 miles ) survey line through the State of Massachusetts. The line was the first project of its kind undertaken in America and its establishment was the key element for Massachusetts pioneering mandate to survey the entire state. 


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