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Morison's Memphis Bridge
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Bridges Era: 1890-1899 DateCreated: 1892 Mississippi River Memphis State: TN Zip: 38106 Country: USA Website: Creator: Morison, George

The Memphis Bridge (now called the Frisco Bridge) comprises three spans across the Mississippi River. With a main span measuring over 790 feet, it was one of the longest railroad bridges in the world upon completion. The renowned George Morison, after whom the bridge is unofficially named, served as Chief Engineer.

Image Credit: Public Domain (National Park Service) Image Caption: Morison's Memphis Bridge Era_date_from: 1892
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Morison's Memphis Bridge

The Memphis Bridge (now called the Frisco Bridge) comprises three spans across the Mississippi River. With a main span measuring over 790 feet, it was one of the longest railroad bridges in the world upon completion. The renowned George Morison, after whom the bridge is unofficially named,…

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