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Old Mill in Nantucket
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Wind Power Production Era: 1700-1749 DateCreated: 1746 50 Prospect Street Nantucket State: MA Zip: Country: USA Website: Creator: Wilbur, Nathan

The Old Mill, a smock type of windmill, believed to be the oldest operating windmill in the United States. Most of its parts are original. This mill is the sole survivor of four that once stood along the range of hills west of the town of Nantucket. The long spar and wheel rotate the top of the mill and turn the sails into the wind. Inside, visitors can watch the gears as corn is ground into meal, producing about 5 bushels an hour. Documentation of the restoration of the windmill is located at the Nantucket Historical Association's Research Center.

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/Hiroshi Okugawa (CC BY 2.0) Image Caption: Old Mill in Nantucket Era_date_from: 1746
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Old Mill in Nantucket

The Old Mill, a smock type of windmill, believed to be the oldest operating windmill in the United States. Most of its parts are original. This mill is the sole survivor of four that once stood along the range of hills west of the town of Nantucket. The long spar and wheel rotate the top of the…

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