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Knight Foundry and Machine Shop
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing Era: 1870-1879 DateCreated: 1873 13280 Volcano Rd Sutter Creek State: CA Zip: 95685 Country: USA Website: Creator: Knight, Samuel

This is one of the earliest US foundry-machine shops remaining in operation and one of the few water powered. It was founded by Samuel N. Knight (1838-1913) to manufacture machinery for the gold mines of the Mother Lode region. Knight was one of several inventors experimenting with impulse turbines to exploit the area's abundant high-head water power for driving hoists, ore stamps, and other mining machinery.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Bobak Ha'Eri (CC BY 3.0) Image Caption: Knight Foundry and Machine Shop Era_date_from: 1873
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Knight Foundry and Machine Shop

This is one of the earliest US foundry-machine shops remaining in operation and one of the few water powered. It was founded by Samuel N. Knight (1838-1913) to manufacture machinery for the gold mines of the …

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