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Sinton, Walton

Greens Bayou Generator Plant
Society: ASME Main Category: Electric, Mechanical Sub Category: Steam Era: 1940-1949 DateCreated: 1949 13300 West Bellfort Avenue Houston State: TX Zip: 77099 Country: USA Website: Creator: Sinton, Walton

On April 21, 1949, a completely outdoor turbine-generator was placed into commercial operation at the Greens Bayou electric power plant--the first fully outdoor unit to operate in the United States. The demand for unprecedented quantities of electricity after World War II pressed utilities to provide addition power quickly. The outdoor design, unlike the traditional large turbine hall, resulted in significant reductions in the cost per kilowatt to build the plant.

Image Credit: Courtesy ASME Image Caption: Greens Bayou Generator Plant Era_date_from: 1949
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Greens Bayou Generator Plant

On April 21, 1949, a completely outdoor turbine-generator was placed into commercial operation at the Greens Bayou electric power plant--the first fully outdoor unit to operate in the United States. The demand for unprecedented quantities of electricity after World War II pressed utilities to…

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