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Great Dayton Flood

Miami Conservancy District
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Water Supply & Control Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1922 Taylorsville Dam (One of 5 Dams) Huber Heights State: OH Zip: 45424 Country: USA Website: Creator: Flood Prevention Committee, Morgan, Arthur Ernest

The Miami Conservancy District flood control project was the direct result of the disastrous flood of 1913, when waters from the Miami, Stillwater, and Mad rivers flooded Dayton and surrounding communities in the Miami Valley. More than 400 lives were lost and property damage exceeded $100 million. When Dayton flooded, great fires raged, adding to the devastation. Many believed that the area would never recover. 

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/bobosh_t (CC BY-SA 2.0) Image Caption: The Taylorsville Dam, one of the five dry damns to come out of the Miami Conservancy District Era_date_from: 1922
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Miami Conservancy District

The Miami Conservancy District flood control project was the direct result of the disastrous flood of 1913, when waters from the Miami, Stillwater, and Mad rivers flooded Dayton and surrounding communities in the Miami Valley. More than 400 lives were lost and property damage exceeded $100…

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