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Bay City Walking Dredge
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Materials Handling & Excavation Era: 1920-1929 DateCreated: 1924 Collier-Seminole State Park Naples State: FL Zip: 34114 Country: USA Website: Creator: Bay City Dredge Works, Anderson, Vincent

Built by the Bay City Dredge Works of Bay City, Michigan, this dredge was used to construct a portion of US 41 called the Tamiami Trail, which connected Tampa with Miami through the Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp. The last remaining display of walking dredges (of some 145 walking machines), it has a unique propulsion design enabling the dredge to cope with drainage problems in a wetlands environment.

Image Credit: Courtesy Wikipedia/Ebyabe (CC BY-SA 3.0) Image Caption: The Bay City Walking Dredge as it sits in Collier-Seminole State Park Era_date_from: 1924
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Bay City Walking Dredge

Built by the Bay City Dredge Works of Bay City, Michigan, this dredge was used to construct a portion of US 41 called the Tamiami Trail, which connected Tampa with Miami through the Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp. The last remaining display of walking dredges (of some 145 walking machines), it…

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