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Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Era: 1960-1969 DateCreated: 1968 ILC Dover Frederica State: DE Zip: 1996-2080 Country: USA Website:, Creator:

Apollo astronauts who ventured outside of the protective confines of their pressurized capsules faced a number of hazards, among them: exposure to cosmic debris, solar radiation, and surface temperatures that widely varied. The suit also needed to accommodate a wide range of motion to allow the duties of the missions to be successfully accomplished.

Image Credit: Public Domain - Take by Neil Armstrong Image Caption: Edwin Aldrin wearing the A7L spacesuit on the moon. Era_date_from:
ALCOA 50,000-ton Hydraulic Forging Press
Society: ASME Main Category: Mechanical Sub Category: Manufacturing Era: 1950-1959 DateCreated: 1954 Aluminum Company of America Cleveland State: OH Zip: 44105 Country: USA Website: Creator: Mesta Machine Company

This 50,000-ton die-forging press is among the largest fabrication tools in the world. It was designed and built for the U.S. Air Force by the Mesta Machine Company of Pittsburgh, following the discovery of a 30,000-ton press used by the Germans in World War II (later acquired by the Soviet Union). By 1950, a Heavy Press Program was organized to establish a self-sustaining industrial base for a press capable of producing large forgings and extrusions for the United States. The 50,000-ton Mesta press was one of the first built under this program between 1952 and 1955.

Image Credit: Image Caption: The true enormity of the ALCOA 50,000-ton Hydraulic Forging Press can be fully appreciated when put into comparison of the average-sized person (lower right and on the platform). Era_date_from: 1954
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ALCOA 50,000-ton Hydraulic Forging Press

This 50,000-ton die-forging press is among the largest fabrication tools in the world. It was designed and built for the U.S. Air Force by the Mesta Machine Company of Pittsburgh, following the discovery of a 30,000-ton press used by the Germans in World War II (later acquired by the Soviet…

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Apollo astronauts who ventured outside of the protective confines of their pressurized capsules faced a number of hazards, among them: exposure to cosmic debris, solar radiation, and surface temperatures that widely varied. The suit also needed to accommodate a wide range of motion to allow the…

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