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Muskingum River Navigation System
Society: ASCE Main Category: Civil Sub Category: Water Transportation Era: 1830-1839 DateCreated: 1837 Muskingum River Zanesville State: OH Zip: 43701 Country: USA Website: Creator: Curtis, Samuel

Most of the locks were 184 feet long and 36 feet wide, able to handle boats up to 160 feet long. The sandstone locks (along with wood miter gates, rock-filled timber-crib dams and bypass canals with guard gates) created a slackwater navigation system stretching over 90 miles.  

Image Credit: Courtesy Flickr/gb_packards (CC BY-ND 2.0) Image Caption: Muskingum River Lock Era_date_from: 1837
Morley with students and instructors, ca. 1893.
Society: ACS Main Category: Chemical Sub Category: Frontiers of Knowledge Era: DateCreated: 1895 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland State: OH Zip: 44106 Country: USA Website: Creator: Morley, Edward W.

In his laboratory at Western Reserve University (Now Case Western Reserve University), Edward W. Morley carried out his research on the atomic weight of oxygen that provided a new standard to the science of chemistry. The accuracy of his analyses has never been superseded by chemical means. His great work, published in 1895, also gave important insight into the atomic theory of matter.

He observed, after carefully analysis of the volume proportions in which hydrogen and oxygen unite, that the atomic weight of oxygen was 15.879.

The plaque commemorating the event reads:

Image Credit: Courtesy ACS Image Caption: Morley with students and instructors, ca. 1893. Era_date_from:
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