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  • Ille os saluto tego venio.
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    Commodo diam dolor dolus in iriure loquor singularis veniam. Abluo bene dignissim distineo euismod natu pertineo verto vindico. Comis cui os pneum premo saepius ut velit voco. Amet quidne secundum. Eros euismod nobis quae. Appellatio decet eu incassum molior nisl utinam. Augue in neo scisco si. Aliquam dignissim elit ludus quidne turpis ut vel. Appellatio dolus esse iaceo molior nimis nobis oppeto pala.


  • Aero space
    Aerospace Engineering

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Combining car and plane into a single vehicle remains a dream—but new efforts might change that


Serial doodler, drafter, and brainstormer, New Hampshire–born Earl S. Tupper was an inventor obsessed with improving everyday household objects.


In 1836, commissioner Henry Ellsworth turned the U.S. Patent Office into an engine of innovation—and Morse's telegraph became the system's first major beneficiary


Four hundred years ago, Galileo's writings led to the birth of modern science, and led to a famous conflict with the Catholic Church


Four decades ago, two physicists at Bell Laboratories stumbled upon a means of capturing light and turning it into data with a small piece of silicon, an invention that would revolutionize our daily lives


A proud father invented the cell-phone camera to share images of his new baby with friends


Filmmakers have long sought the means to add a little kinetic energy to their moving images


The town needed water if it was ever to grow into a major city. William Mulholland brought the water from hundreds of miles away, despite big natural obstacles and enormous human ones.

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